At our website, we pride ourselves on providing engaging and informative content about various hairstyles. To enhance the quality of our content, we frequently source images from public Instagram profiles that belong to hair salons or hair artists.
We do this with the utmost respect for the artists and their work, and we always give proper credit to each photo we share on our website. However, we understand that the appearance of an individual in a photo may be a sensitive issue.
If any person featured in our content feels uncomfortable with their appearance on our website, we are committed to promptly removing the photo in question. Additionally, we acknowledge that loading content from Instagram can sometimes cause our website to slow down, leading to a suboptimal user experience. As such, we are constantly exploring ways to improve our website’s performance and minimize any inconvenience to our users.
We believe that our use of Instagram photos benefits both hair salons or hair artists and our website’s visitors. By featuring the work of talented hair professionals, we help showcase their skills and potentially attract new clients to their businesses. We thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Contact: [email protected]